Account number |
Confirmation date |
Print your information if you want to keep it for your records.
Get a Ugift code number, so family and friends can make gift contributions to your beneficiary's 529 account at any time. You can get your Ugift code at a later time, if you prefer.*
View Ugift FAQs
* By opting in, others will be able to view your and your beneficiary's names if they enter your Ugift code at Ugift529.com
Save for college little by little! An Automatic Investment Plan (AIP) lets you save over time by putting your contributions on autopilot. It's simple to set up and your contributions can be withdrawn directly from your bank account monthly or even quarterly. What could be easier? (See AIP note below.)
The Successor Owner is a person you trust who will take control of the account in the event of your death. This feature is optional, but recommended.
Upromise® helps families save for college. With access to saving strategies, simple savings tools, and unique savings offers, Upromise can help you accelerate your college savings every day. When you join Upromise, you become a member of a community of like minded individuals who share a common goal: saving for college. (See Upromise note below.)
Notes: |
(AIP) A plan of regular investment cannot assure a profit or protect against a loss.
Upromise is an optional program offered by Upromise, Inc. as an added value to CollegeAdvantage Direct 529 Plan Account Owners. Upromise is separate from the CollegeAdvantage Direct 529 Savings Plan and is not affiliated with the Ohio Tuition Trust Authority or the State of Ohio. Participation in Upromise is optional and voluntary. Specific terms and conditions apply. Participating companies, contribution levels, terms, and conditions are subject to change without notice.